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Tag: gourmet tours

Tour Avignon with a Stress-free Plan

Avignon Tour

Tour Avignon the best way – gourmet food, away from the noise, in the secret spots and with time to soak it all in…

avignonmarket5There is something about standing at the comptoir with a double expresso in a french looking coffee cup and starting the day with the locals. It was early morning and the indoor gourmet market in Avignon was just starting. It’s quite amusing to watch the French start their day at the market stand. If you ever go early to a market don’t forget to observe – a cultural experience guaranteed.

After sipping and enjoying my expresso with un peu de crème I meandered the market with my camera to capture the colors and textures. It was barely 10am and the merchants still seemed busy setting up, preparing food and finishing up their own café.

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