Wine Photography in France
Wine photography is just one of the artistic elements to photograph while traveling in the South of France. Ancient doors, rustic shutters, wildflowers and colorful facades keep the eye in the continual movement to capture the glory. Could there be something better to capture than this? What about a story?
I have a friend photographer in France who has mentored me in my beginning stages of being an amateur photographer. He continuously reminds me that the best pictures tell a story. He also tells me to think before I snap a picture. Ask myself what is it that I am wanting to capture? Is it the texture, the light, the movement or perhaps a particular mood?
What is it in wine photography that can be appealing? Personally, I’m drawn to two things: the people behind the scenes and the light that illuminates the product.
When the light is just so on a cluster of grapes it’s like those grapes turn into a gold medal. I can hear them say, ” look at me, I’m your prize.”
When the owner of the vineyard watches her grapes be crushed for the next vintage, there is an emotional element to be captured.
I also enjoy capturing you! You come to France to see, experience and taste. Watching you taste wine, enjoy wine and share wine is a treasure for me.
Wine brings people together from all over and it has a way of connecting people. Wine seems to have a natural ability to unite people who do not necessarily know each other. As a tour guide, this is a great privilege to witness time and time again. It is the human element in our technological world that sometimes seems to get buried and forgotten.
It’s not about drinking too much and acting all silly! It’s about appreciating life out of the fast lane. It’s about taking time to converse, creating conviviality and sharing our hearts with another person.
Perhaps this is why wine has been produced since the Greeks. Perhaps this is why the drive to produce quality wine still exists today. There is a story to tell and the story is still alive today.